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We want all of Bethany’s kids to feel a part of Jesus’ team. We pray that the kids may grow a stronger relationship with Jesus. Children from ages 3 to 11 are encouraged to learn the Truth of God’s word and His love for each of us during children's church. Kids do this by learning to use their Bibles, having activities that teach lessons to help them understand His words, and by forming relationships with each other.
We offer Children's church & nursery every Sunday during our 9am service.
Our college ministry is a vital part of our church and we desire to see that students of Western Colorado University cultivate a deep relationship with Jesus. Our goal is to engage students who have found their college home at Western through worship and building friendships. We also provide ministry opportunities and Adopt-A-Student programs for students far from home. BBC is a place for college aged people to come together and seek God.
During the fall and spring semesters, we serve college lunch following the 10:30am service each Sunday.
Here at Bethany we provide our college students with a home cooked meal after the Sunday services throughout the school year. Please help us bless these kids by signing up to cook a meal for them. Sign up to do it on your own or get a group together to lighten the load!
(There is a budget for this ministry so remember to save your receipts and submit them to Amanda or Cherie if you would like to be reimbursed for your expenses.)
If you have any questions you can email Amanda at Thank you so much for making this ministry possible!!!
Sign up here:
Community is very important, and one example of this at Bethany is LifeGroups. There are many different LifeGroups and we urge you to getting involved with one. This is one facet of community and we see LifeGroups as a family within a larger family where we can grow, learn, repent, pray, and fellowship with one another.
If you want to start a LifeGroup, join a LifeGroup or want more information about the groups in general please contact Amanda.